Code Pink Sounds the Retreat!
Last night outside the main entrance to Walter Reed Army Medical Center in Washington DC, the anti-war leftists of Code Pink were forced into an ignominious retreat! They were obliged to abandon their protest corners and seek refuge a block away, where they licked their wounds. For at least one evening, the wounded troopers in the hospital, some of whom can see the entrance where all this takes place from their windows, did not have to see the Pinkos who mock them with their fake vigils.
The battle was not won with bombs or bullets, or even with force of numbers. We simply outmaneuvered them by getting a permit for "their" corner before they had a chance to file. So we had permits for all four corners and they had none. You snooze you lose.
If you are not familiar with the situation see my previous posts on the subject here, here, here, here, and here.
The short version is that a radical pro-Castro group called Code Pink Women for Peace holds an anti-war rally outside of the hospital every Friday night between 7 and 9pm. Code Pink is perhaps most notorious for having given $600,000 to the terrorists in Fallujah in December of 2004. They have been holding these protests at Walter Reed for almost 10 months now.
Word got out quickly that the Pinkos were outside the hospital, and the folks at Free Republic started holding counter-demonstrations/pro-troop rallies at opposite corners to where the Pinkos stood.
Last August the face-off made national news when CNS News reported what was going on. After hearing about it on talk radio and Fox News, I decided to go downtown and see what was happening for myself. Even since that night I have been at Walter Reed more Fridays than not.
Seizing Their Corner
As soon as I got there lat night I knew that something was different.
I arrived shortly before 7pm, and as I drove up, I saw quite a few people on the Pinko's two corners. Odd, I thought, as they usually didn't arrive in numbers until 7:30 or 8. After I parked and walked to one of our corners, I noticed to my great surprise that those were our people across the street.
This is what I saw.

Something's up, I thought. Those are mostly our prople, with one or two Pinkos mixed in. What's going on? Usually we stay on our side of the street and they on theirs.
I asked one of our members standing nearby and that's when I learned that one of our number, "Concrete Bob", had secured permits this week for the Pinkos two corners. They had been laggard in renewing their permits and Bob seized the opportunity.
As you might imagine, as soon as the light changed I went over to our "new" corner to join my compatriots and see what was up. I knew that the Pinko leaders would arrive shortly and wanted to make sure we had adeqate numbers in place.
We were mixed in with a few Pinkos, but one of our number decided to make sure that passers by knew who was who:

The Pinkos Arrive
Somewhat perplexed, they're carrying their signs and such from their cars and putting by the fence as they normally do. Somewhat annoyed, the guy pictured here, Bruce, asked me ifr we really had to take so many photographs of them. "Yes!" I chearfully answered. Odd, but my answer didn't seem to satisfy him.

Their guitarist showed up, getting ready to play his Pete Seeger 60ish leftie songs.

At this point the Pinkos were informed that they did not have a permit for this corner and that so sorry, but they would have to leave. They got on their cell phones (whatever did we do before we had them?) and said that they were going to "straighten things out". But after a few minutes they gave up and beat a hasty retreat down the steet to lick their wounds.

The corner resume activities, this time under new, non-commie management:

And for once I remembered to have someone take my picture:

Now I know what some of you are going to say; "oh how childish all this is".
Well....on one level yes, but not so on another. Understand that the troops in the hospital know full well what is going on outside. I know this because I've spoken with enough of them, as in addition to this I pay visits to the hospital where we bring them things. And, as I've pointed out in previous posts, when the troops come back from Fran O'Briens at 9:15 or so on the bus they flip off any Pinkos who are still hanging around. Yes yes, I know there are a few troops who are anti-war and all that, so please don't post links on that subject("In any large organization..."). Everyone knows full well that most troops support the war and hate groups like Code Pink. Believe you me if you don't think that chasing off the Pinkos wasn't a morale booster for the troops inside Walter Reed you're kidding yourself.
Crossing the Line
Many Americans oppose the war in Iraq. Most of them still genuinely support the troops. But many do not, among them Code Pink. I'm not going to go into my case against them here, interested readers can check out the links posted above.
Suffice it to say that if you're hanging out with pro-Fidel Castro people like Code Pink, you're not "supporting the troops".
Congressman John Murtha has crossed the line of decency.
From the Code Pink Website, here he is, hanging out with Code Pink co-founder Gael Murphy and DC coordinator Allison Yorra.

According to the Pinkos website:
Either Murtha agrees with the Code Pink agenda or he's a useful idiot. Take your pick.
Make sure you check out GunnNutt's excellent post on Friday night. She has excellent photos you won't want to miss.
The battle was not won with bombs or bullets, or even with force of numbers. We simply outmaneuvered them by getting a permit for "their" corner before they had a chance to file. So we had permits for all four corners and they had none. You snooze you lose.
If you are not familiar with the situation see my previous posts on the subject here, here, here, here, and here.
The short version is that a radical pro-Castro group called Code Pink Women for Peace holds an anti-war rally outside of the hospital every Friday night between 7 and 9pm. Code Pink is perhaps most notorious for having given $600,000 to the terrorists in Fallujah in December of 2004. They have been holding these protests at Walter Reed for almost 10 months now.
Word got out quickly that the Pinkos were outside the hospital, and the folks at Free Republic started holding counter-demonstrations/pro-troop rallies at opposite corners to where the Pinkos stood.
Last August the face-off made national news when CNS News reported what was going on. After hearing about it on talk radio and Fox News, I decided to go downtown and see what was happening for myself. Even since that night I have been at Walter Reed more Fridays than not.
Seizing Their Corner
As soon as I got there lat night I knew that something was different.
I arrived shortly before 7pm, and as I drove up, I saw quite a few people on the Pinko's two corners. Odd, I thought, as they usually didn't arrive in numbers until 7:30 or 8. After I parked and walked to one of our corners, I noticed to my great surprise that those were our people across the street.
This is what I saw.

Something's up, I thought. Those are mostly our prople, with one or two Pinkos mixed in. What's going on? Usually we stay on our side of the street and they on theirs.
I asked one of our members standing nearby and that's when I learned that one of our number, "Concrete Bob", had secured permits this week for the Pinkos two corners. They had been laggard in renewing their permits and Bob seized the opportunity.
As you might imagine, as soon as the light changed I went over to our "new" corner to join my compatriots and see what was up. I knew that the Pinko leaders would arrive shortly and wanted to make sure we had adeqate numbers in place.
We were mixed in with a few Pinkos, but one of our number decided to make sure that passers by knew who was who:

The Pinkos Arrive
Somewhat perplexed, they're carrying their signs and such from their cars and putting by the fence as they normally do. Somewhat annoyed, the guy pictured here, Bruce, asked me ifr we really had to take so many photographs of them. "Yes!" I chearfully answered. Odd, but my answer didn't seem to satisfy him.

Their guitarist showed up, getting ready to play his Pete Seeger 60ish leftie songs.

At this point the Pinkos were informed that they did not have a permit for this corner and that so sorry, but they would have to leave. They got on their cell phones (whatever did we do before we had them?) and said that they were going to "straighten things out". But after a few minutes they gave up and beat a hasty retreat down the steet to lick their wounds.

The corner resume activities, this time under new, non-commie management:

And for once I remembered to have someone take my picture:

Now I know what some of you are going to say; "oh how childish all this is".
Well....on one level yes, but not so on another. Understand that the troops in the hospital know full well what is going on outside. I know this because I've spoken with enough of them, as in addition to this I pay visits to the hospital where we bring them things. And, as I've pointed out in previous posts, when the troops come back from Fran O'Briens at 9:15 or so on the bus they flip off any Pinkos who are still hanging around. Yes yes, I know there are a few troops who are anti-war and all that, so please don't post links on that subject("In any large organization..."). Everyone knows full well that most troops support the war and hate groups like Code Pink. Believe you me if you don't think that chasing off the Pinkos wasn't a morale booster for the troops inside Walter Reed you're kidding yourself.
Crossing the Line
Many Americans oppose the war in Iraq. Most of them still genuinely support the troops. But many do not, among them Code Pink. I'm not going to go into my case against them here, interested readers can check out the links posted above.
Suffice it to say that if you're hanging out with pro-Fidel Castro people like Code Pink, you're not "supporting the troops".
Congressman John Murtha has crossed the line of decency.
From the Code Pink Website, here he is, hanging out with Code Pink co-founder Gael Murphy and DC coordinator Allison Yorra.

According to the Pinkos website:
We presented him with our pink badge of courage and pink flowers sent by CODEPINK members nationwide. Rep Murtha was very appreciative of these gestures as he has been receiving many responses to his public denouncement of the war.
Either Murtha agrees with the Code Pink agenda or he's a useful idiot. Take your pick.
Make sure you check out GunnNutt's excellent post on Friday night. She has excellent photos you won't want to miss.