Tuesday, February 21, 2006

What about Saddam's WMD?

It has become an established fact: there were no WMD in Iraq when the US and its allies invaded. Since then, rumors have been flying around that those weapons were moved to Syria and Lebanon just before the war, but was there someone who took those stories seriously? I didn't know what to make of them either. If they were true, you would think that the US government would want to tell it to the world and get its revenge after all the accusations of having cooked up the WMD-rationale for going to war, wouldn't you?

Today I heard those rumors again, but this with much more details. In addition, I got a possible answer to my earlier question. Apparently the Russians, who had sold Saddam the bulk of his WMD, were responsible for the move. This way they wanted to avoid embarrassing images of boxes of weapons with Russian tags. The American reluctance could be explained by the current diplomacy about Iran's nuclear program: these days it is better to keep the Russians as your friends...

I still don't know what to think of it, but in any case it makes fascinating reading.

PS. Meanwhile so-called Saddam-tapes have surfaced. Apparently, Saddam had some dangerous ambitions with some dangerous weapons just until his end...