Sunday, October 17, 2004

Commander-in-Chief Kerry???!!!

I can only imagine our enemies drooling over the prospect of this scenario. This is the same man honored at Hanoi’s Vietnamese Communist War Remnants Museum honoring highly useful-idiots. Offering up this man to be at the helm of the world’s strongest military is like giving jihadists and corrupt governments a giant goodie-filled piñata.
The man who boasts of his discerning the real complexities of global issues is clueless when it comes to what the Commander-in-Chief’s duties are in time of war. One of those duties includes promoting a positive morale within the ranks of our military while destroying or at least diminishing the morale of our enemy. Why is that so difficult for Kerry to understand? When Kerry says this is the “wrong war in the wrong place at the wrong time” just whose confidence is he really stoking? Kerry links six pages of “catastrophic failures in Iraq” on his website while blogger Chrenkoff posts the good news in Iraq. Which one of these sites do you suppose better promotes jihadists’ propaganda? In a speech at New York University Kerry tries to convince his young audience that the sky is falling: “Invading Iraq has created a crisis of historic proportions and, if we do not change course, there is the prospect of a war with no end in sight. And ”42 Americans died in Iraq in June -- the month before the handover. But 54 died in July…66 in August… and already 54 halfway through September.“ A Commander-in-Chief cannot be an obsessive-compulsive body counter during a time of war, especially one of attrition (unless you want to boost the enemies’ resolve and effectiveness as Kerry helped accomplish in Vietnam). Can you imagine what scenario Kerry’s hand-wringing and body-calculations would have produced if he had lead the U.S. during World War II’s Battle of the Bulge: 8,607 dead, 21,144 missing, 47.139 wounded, or Iwo Jima: 6,821 dead 19,217 wounded? Yet as we near the election his ‘defeatist’ remarks continue to give aid, comfort, and power to our enemies.

More excerpts from the NYU speech: “On September 12th, headlines in newspapers abroad declared ‘we are all Americans now’ [We now know what absolute B.S. that was]. But through his policy in Iraq, the President squandered that moment and rather than isolating the terrorists, left America isolated from the world. ”…Read “Myth of the Squandered Sympathy

He should give other countries a stake in Iraq’s future by encouraging them to help develop Iraq’s oil resources and by letting them bid on contracts instead of locking them out of the reconstruction process.”…Like our friends :France, Russia, and China?

We now know that Iraq had no weapons of mass destruction” Kerry now has powers of omniscience!

Al-Qaeda could easily copy and paste much of Kerry’s speech and use it effectively in its recruiting pamphlets. Kerry repeats ad nauseum of our failure to “win the peace”(an appealing charge to a young culture steeped in instant gratification). In 1945 Eisenhower said to his staff…”The only way we’ll know if we won this war is 50 years from now Germany is a stable and prosperous and peaceful democracy. Then we’ll know that we have won the war.”

“From the Boston Globe's excellent and careful campaign biography of Sen. Kerry [via Dave Frum’s Diary] :…Sen. Kerry's foreign policy ideas can best be summed up as "opportunistic oppositionism." It's a tactic well suited for a man trying to make his way by mobilizing angry out-of-power constituencies. But the conclusion I take away is that if Sen. Kerry should ever find himself in a position where he has to make the decisions - rather than react to decisions made by others - he would have absolutely no idea of what to do ... and would very likely do nothing at all while blaming others for everything that went wrong as a result of his own inaction.

Kerry’s grasp of wartime policy is the antithesis of the Commander-in-Chief’s job description.