Monday, December 27, 2010

This Year's 'Best Climate Predictor'

There are five nominees:
  • former Vice President Al Gore
  • California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger
  • the IPCC of the United Nations
  • British astrophysicist Piers Corbyn
"Gore, Schwarzenegger, and the IPCC made their mark through their dramatic predictions of catastrophic sea level rise due to increased carbon dioxide in the atmosphere causing global warming.  Gore once predicted that sea levels would rise by twenty feet over the century.  Last year, Schwarzenegger unveiled a map showing world sea levels rising by 1.5 meters over the next century.  In 2001, the IPCC predicted that sea level would rise by three feet over the next century.[...]"

See chart and article (here) Via - Howard Richman & Raymond Richman, American Thinker