Monday, December 20, 2010

Christmas Snubbed

"Season's" Greetings
Merry Friendship
"European Commission criticised for omitting Christmas on EU school diary [...]More than 330,000 copies of the diaries, accompanied by 51 pages of glossy information about the EU, have been delivered to British schools as a "sought after" Christmas gift to pupils from the commission.
But Christians have been angered because the diary section for December 25 is blank and the bottom of the page with Christmas Day is marked only with the secular message: "A true friend is someone who shares your concerns and will double your joy".
While the euro calendar marks Muslim, Hindu, Sikh, Jewish and Chinese festivities as well as Europe Day and other key EU anniversaries, there are no Christian festivals marked, despite the fact Christianity is Europe's majority religion.[...]" Read all  HERE ( 17 Dec 2010, The Telegraph) [All emphases mine]