Tuesday, September 14, 2004

Who will be the picks for State and Defense?

Remember how long it took President Bush to get his admin in place after the 2000 election dragged on for months during the endless recounts?

The 9/11 Commission has a solution. They have told Congress that the Presidential candidates should announce their State and Defense secretaries and national security adviser before the election so they can get security clearances and be ready to respond to terrorism as soon as the president takes office.

Without that, there will be a "very dangerous hiatus" between presidential administrations when no one is officially leading America's security forces, commission members Fred Fielding and Jamie Gorelick told a Senate Governmental Affairs subcommittee.

It will be interesting to see if Kerry complies, since he has called for implementing all of the commission's recommendations. It will also be interesting to see who his picks are for those two very important posts.