Thursday, November 25, 2004

Boy Scout Support Okayed For DoD


I just read this in the Armed Forces Digest:

A partial settlement Nov. 15 of an American Civil Liberties Union lawsuit against the Defense Department and other organizations allows the military to continue supporting the Boy Scouts of America, as long as commands don't officially sponsor Scout units. The ACLU lawsuit, filed in 1999, alleges that the Boy Scouts religiously discriminate because the Scout Oath requires youth to swear to do their duty to God and country. The partial settlement requires DoD to issue a letter reminding commands of its policy: "The Boy Scout Jamboree will still go on as scheduled at Fort A.P. Hill," said Defense Department spokesman Lt. Col. Joe Richard. "We are still fully supporting the Boy Scouts. But, we are reminding base commanders and post officials they can't sponsor non-federal organizations in their official capacity. It's not a new policy, but we are reminding people." The jamboree will be held July 25 through Aug. 3.

This is not to mention that a Florida Senator (Bill Nelson) has weighed into the issue and has introduced a resolution urging the Defense Department to continue its traditional support of the Boy Scouts.

"That support includes spending for national and world jamborees, allowing Scouts to hold troop meetings on bases and letting military personnel participate in summer camps as adult leaders without losing leave time, said the AP report. "

James Lileks latest column is also about this issue:

"And we're talking about the BOY SCOUTS, for heaven's sake, not some Junior Klan League noted for torchlight parades through Jewish neighborhoods. Who has the time to worry whether the scouts are meeting in the local library? Isn't there some real, actual evil handy you could sue?

Better yet: If you don't like the scouts' oath or rules, how about you drink a nice hot cup of LIVE AND LET LIVE and start your own group?"

Hope everyone had a Happy Thanksgiving.